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Treatment for a Loved One

Treatment for a Loved One

If someone you love is suffering from an addiction or mental health crisis, we are here to help.

Our caring admissions specialists are available to listen to your story and help provide you with the guidance and empathy you need during this time where you may feel that all hope is lost. We are here to answer your questions and point you in the right direction to get your loved one the help they need.

We believe that loved ones play a critical and central role in supporting their loved one with creating a life of health, stability, and success.

We value family involvement and well-being at Constellation Behavioral Health care treatment centers and provide a wide range of family programming, therapy, and activities to help your family heal.

How We Help

  • Compassionate Care
  • Accurate Diagnosis
  • Collaborative Care in Coordination With External Healthcare Providers
  • 24/7 Medically-Monitored Detoxification and Treatment (Alta Mira)
  • Intensive Individual Therapy
  • Integration of Evidence-Based Treatment Modalities, Peer Support, Experiential Therapy, and Holistic Services
  • Extraordinary Therapeutic Experiences
  • Continuing Care

How You'll Help

  • Empowering Your Loved One to Reclaim Their Life
  • Rebuilding Your Relationship
  • Learning Effective, Healthy, and Supportive Communication Skills
  • Participating in Family Sessions (if Applicable)
  • Providing Your Ongoing Support

Don't Wait. Take The Next Step Now.

Call us today for a free, confidential consultation. Don’t wait another minute to get your loved one help.